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/ Hardcore Gamer Resource Kit / Hardcore Gamer Resource Kit - Disc 1.iso / levels_capture_the_flag

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
00_index.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 141 6KB 1998-03-26
00_index.txt File List 11 498b 1998-03-13
botsctf1.txt Text File 53 2KB 1998-03-11
bsvalley.txt Text File 44 2KB 1998-03-11
ctfsmee1.txt Text File 75 3KB 1998-03-11
dambots.txt Text File 52 2KB 1998-03-11
lowgbots.txt Text File 47 2KB 1998-03-11

Other Files (5)
botsctf1.bsp Quake II Map 1MB 1998-02-03
bsvalley.bsp Call of Duty Map 1MB 1998-01-26
ctfsmee1.bsp Call of Duty Map 1MB 1998-03-06
dambots.bsp Call of Duty Map 2MB 1998-02-15
lowgbots.bsp Call of Duty Map 2MB 1998-02-27